Flowers for Your Flower

Yoni steam/ Vsteam by Milk & Yoni
Consult with your midwife or physician before using this product!
Yoni steaming has many benefits, but some situations are not appropriate for steams;


Do NOT steam if you:

-are pregnant

-are trying to conceive

-are bleeding (bright red or pink menses)

-have an IUD (hormonal)

 The benefits of steaming may be immediate or can take up to six cycles to see major improvements. Results are not guaranteed.


Benefits include:

-Eliminating or decreasing PMS symptoms (such as cramps or breast tenderness)

-Eliminating or decreasing size and symptoms of fibroids and/or ovarian cysts

-Eliminating painful intercourse

-Eliminating infections and/or excess vaginal discharge

-Eliminating old blood from cycles

-Postpartum healing and early cessation of postpartum bleeding

-Regulating periods

-Emotional healing


It is recommended to steam on the new moon, after your cycle, or (if you have

dark/brown discharge) at the end of your cycle. Again, do NOT steam while you

are bleeding (bright red). Steaming before bed is the most optimal, be sure to

wear socks and dress warm and drink plenty of water after your steam!


What you need:

-Yoni Steam herbs


-Spring Water

-Glass or clay container (WITH LID)

-Large blanket

-Crock Pot*

-Steam chair*


How to:

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. This can be anywhere from 5-10 cups depending on how big of a container you will be using.

2. Turn of heat; add package of yoni steam herbs into water. Let steep with lid on for 10 minutes.

3. Pour your steeped herbs/tea into your container with lid on to trap steam

4. Set up a comfortable spot where you will be steaming; place your container on the ground, remove lid and check the temperature of the steam with your inner arm (your labia is sensitive, be SURE to check temperature so you do not burn yourself!)

5. While undressed, kneel over container so that the steam rises up and into your yoni

6. Wrap the blanket around from the neck (or waist if you are wearing a shirt**) down to trap the steam in

7. Enjoy! You may reheat and repeat the steps to maximize your session.


*Although you can steam without these items; the most optimal way to steam is using a steaming chair or stool, this will allow the proper position and distance from the heat source and your body. If you are using a steam chair, follow the general instructions, then pour herbs and water into a crockpot (on lowest setting) to allow for longer steam sessions without the need to reheat herbs.


**If you have breast tenderness during your cycle, steam completely undressed with the blanket wrapped up to your neck so that your breast tissue receives the steam as well